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Heather & Joseph Pratt

Superstar Consultant


My Story

Once upon a time there was a mom concerned about the dangers of candles around her little boy. Everyday she suppressed the desire to light a wick. One day a dear co-worker introduced her to a thing called Scentsy that claimed to be a safer alternative. The mom ordered a system with a warmer and 3 wax bars and fell completely in love with the beauty, the fragrances, and the safety of these products. Because of that love, she told her friends and family about this Scentsy. The co-worker encouraged the mom to join her team and make a little money by continuing to share her love of Scentsy. Because of that decision, the mom earned extra money, coached others to do the same, and traveled from Anaheim to the Mediterranean and many places in between. Until finally, the mom was more herself than she had ever been and loving a life she was designing for herself, her husband, and her children.

What's warming in my home